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藏北高原盐湖放线菌Nocardiopsis sp. N85的活性次级代谢产物研究
翟晓旭1,2 刘迪1,2 隋丽英3 罗轲轲2 张本印4 张得钧4 薛春梅1,* 刘少伟2,5,* 孙承航2,4,5
Antibacterial secondary metabolites from the strain Nocardiopsis sp. N85 isolated#br# from a saline lake on the Northern Tibetan Plateau
Zhai Xiao-xu1,2, Liu Di1,2, Sui Li-ying3, Luo Ke-ke2, Zhang Ben-yin4, Zhang De-jun4, Xue Chun-mei1, Liu Shao-wei2,5 and Sun Cheng-hang2,4,5
中国抗生素杂志 . 2023, (05): 507 -517 .